Today will be my last night at our house in Independence. Tomorrow I am leaving for Spain for over a month and right after that I will be moving to Maui, a dream of mine since I visited Maui for first time with Sue in 1998. I am very excited to spend some time with Kathy, Brandon and Rylee, it will be fun sharing our lives for a while.
The month of September went fast. I went visiting Bob and Judy to Atlanta, it was not long enough but I so enjoyed their company. They seem very happy all settled down in Peachtree city, with their almost hundred miles of golf carts paths. Their house remind me so much to our house... it might have something to do with the fact that they bought most of my furniture and have more of my pictures in their walls than I have ever had in my own house. LOL!
I also went to visit sister Karen and her roommate sister Karen to Washington DC. It was my first time there and I was very impressed with all the monuments, it is a beautiful city. I definitely need at least a week next time to see everything I would like to see there. I enjoyed their company, I have to say it was my first time spending a weekend in a convent! Both of them are amazing people and our conversations were so interesting. It helps to bounce ideas to them while you are going in such a personal spiritual and existential journey.
It has been great seeing all the family and friends here in KC, but I have to say that I feel as a visitor and it is not home for me any more. I have been sleeping in a blow up mattress in an empty house, and the memories of my life with Sue are no longer there, they are all inside me, so it has not been hard being in the house. When I left Alaska I knew I was starting a new life and it is not here in Missouri. I am going to leave behind a lot of great people and the best family one could ever wish for. I am going to miss watching Miles soccer games, and Caden, Easton and Ty's football games; I am going to miss Madison's sense of humor and Kaylan's warm personality; and also Miss Emmy, the independent six year old. Of course my dear Pat, Tracey, Matt and Angela, they have been great family but best friends more than anything else.
I am going to miss very much my good friend John Svoboda, our conversations are some of the most enriching moments in my life. My good friends Cindy and Shane will also be very much missed.
My life in Kansas City has been wonderful and full of great experiences, challenges, love and family; the time here will not be forgotten and I will carry it with me for ever.
And last but not least I will miss the other angel in my life, the person who has helped me most through the whole journey, from my first days taking care of Sue, to the long sleepless darkles nights in Alaska, yes that's you, Jill Recker. Thank you for everything!
Tomorrow to Spain to hang out with my parents and brothers. It will feel a little different being there when I am homeless, carless and jobless... oh boy!!!
Carlos out!